How To Use Our Discover Support Portal

Discover is our support portal and a one-stop shop for all Intranet-related enquiries.

We do not have a support phone line so all communication needs to take place in Discover, it's paramount that your chosen Intranet management team engage with us on the platform to resolve any issues or queries they have.

As administrators you are heavily involved in the management of your site, Discover allows you to keep up to date with new features, releases or any of our company updates that could affect you.

Engaging with the content across Discover gives you the power to act in the best interest of your Intranet and assists our teams in supporting you.


Who is it for?

Discover accounts can be made for site administrators, each client has a limit of 10 user slots available.

This limit is in place to ensure admins can have oversight of the issues being reported by users so we do not get inundated with reports of the same issues.

If end users come across an issue on the site, they should raise this with one of the site administrators who should then submit a support ticket. 

If you would like to add another user to be able to submit tickets, please submit a request here. 


What can I do on Discover?

Discover is our main method of communication and is where our teams can collaborate with your administrators and provide any assistance.

The site contains lots of useful information including:

News: Important updates we want you to know, these can be found on the homepage or its application directly.

Knowledge Base (Our literature repository): This is where you will find answers to many of the queries you may have! It's always best to have a quick search here before submitting a support ticket. We have many how-to guides and videos to help you complete tasks on the site. 

eLearning: We have a set of onboarding e-learning courses available. We would recommend new site administrators take these courses as the first step in their training. This can be found here.

Submit tickets: You can also submit tickets for various different things, all of these forms are built using InfoCapture and serve a separate purpose. 


Support Tickets

Support tickets should be submitted if you have questions, issues or errors appearing on the site, or if you are having issues logging in. 

Please review our detailed article about filling out a support ticket

Past tickets can be searched on Discover but we will regularly remove those outside of the last 2 years.


Upgrade Requests

If you would like your site to be on the latest version of Claromentis, you can submit an upgrade request here.

It's worth checking you do not already have one open before submitting a new one, these will be listed here

Our upgrade team will schedule the upgrade and work with you to complete it successfully.

If you want to know what's included in the next version, we will usually post a news article about the latest version and publish a change log in Knowledge Base. 

Please review our detailed article about filling out an upgrade request.


Change Requests

Change requests are used to manage custom developmental work or tasks that need to be scheduled by a member of our team, these include:

- Custom projects for bits of work that you would like developed for your site that is bespoke (new components/ changes to existing components or application/InfoCapture plugins)

- Technical support (Setting up SSO / Migrations/ SSL certificates)

- Configuration changes that can not be made from the front end of the site 

- Training requests (when you do not have an assistance budget containing pre-paid training hours in place)

Some of these changes are chargeable, others are not. To submit a change request please click here

Please review our detailed article about filling out a change request


License Request 

On your site you will have a set number of user licenses, if you fill up all of these slots and would like to purchase more, this can be done here. 

You can also request to transfer some user licenses to extranet licenses.

Please review our detailed article about license requests.



If you have a product suggestion you would like the product team to consider adding to the roadmap, you can suggest this here

All other discover users can see the idea (but your details are hidden to other users) this means users can 'Like' certain ideas.

Our product team will review the ideas and let you know if it has been selected for development, we try to include as many as we can.

We do get a lot of Ideas and have our own roadmap to follow as well so we wish we could pick every submission but it's just not possible.

If the functionality you are asking for is critical to your business and you cannot wait to see if we pick it up, submit a change request and we will investigate how this could be made possible for you.


⚠️ Something to remain aware of when using Discover over time:

Archived tickets

After a ticket has been in 'confirmed' status for 5 days, it will become archived and won't appear in standard searches in ticket lists.

Use the advanced search function to 'include archived tickets' so that these entries are included if you are looking for your older tickets.

(Tickets within the last 2 years will be retained and searchable)



Last modified on 8 August 2024 by Veronica Kim
Created on 12 May 2020 by Hannah Door

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