User Licenses

What is a user license?

When your site was purchased the number of users you would need will also have been discussed.

Users can either be in the Primary Area or an Extranet. (Extranets are optional so you may have Primary Area users only)

The total amount of user profiles you can create in the system depends on the number of user licenses you have purchased.

Users can only be created when license spaces are available and once your maximum has been reached new users cannot be created.


Where can the user license total be seen?

A sysadmin can check your license totals at any time from Admin > System > License.

This is shown under the 'Max_Users' label.

If you are implementing Extranets you can click the 'View all' button to expand a dropdown that also displays this total under the 'Max_extranet_users' label.


How do I know how many active users I have?

To get this figure, a sysadmin can access Admin > System and then scroll to the bottom of the screen.

The Claromentis summary will show the current total of users and the total of intranet users.

If you are also using extranets this information will be given as the licenses are configured separately from the Primary Area.

Please note: The totals given only include active user profiles and not those in a blocked state as blocked profiles do not take up user licenses. A People administrator can perform an export of users to find out blocked user totals separately.


Another way to check how many active users you have and to see specific accounts listed is to generate an export of People.

Include 'account state' in the export and this will show Yes or No against each account where Yes = active and No = blocked.

This can be downloaded to a CSV for further analysis or record-keeping.

The file is a great resource to use when investigating issues or user license queries as it's easy to see who is active and who is blocked and then look them up in the Intranet.


How can I be notified when the license limit has been exceeded?

An email notification will be triggered to the email address provided as the ‘Responsible person’.

The license notification is generated only when the license limit is exceeded.

We recommend that a user with System panel access be assigned as the Responsible person. They can check the summary of active users regularly to stay on top of user licenses.

It is only possible to add 1 email address, however, a group email can be used for multiple recipients. The email address can be updated at any time.


How do I purchase more user licenses?

If you require new licenses, submit a license request a minimum number of 5 users can be added at one time. 

Please specify if you would like intranet (Primary Area) or Extranet licences added, or if you would like them moved from one area to another. 


Why can't I add any more users to my intranet?

When you run out of user licenses in the system, this will block you from creating any new users. This includes profile creation methods via active directory, SSO, manually in a CSV upload or adding a single user.

To rectify going forward:

1 - Purchase more licenses

Once approved by you we will add the new licenses to the site and you can create the new users.

2 -  Block or delete any unneeded profiles (if any exist) as this frees up licenses.

Please be advised that deleting a profile means all data is gone permanently and cannot be retrieved, whereas blocking means they cannot log in but the profile can be reinstated in the future (as long as a user license is free)

If you can bring your active licenses down to make space for new profiles no further action would be required beyond this unless you wish to purchase more licenses anyway to head off the same issue in the future.


My Active Directory sync is working but new users aren't able to log in?

If your license limit has been reached and you are syncing new users from Active Directory, the system will create the profiles but they will all be set to blocked (and those users cannot log in)

Accounts cannot be made active until your team purchases more licenses or frees up spaces by blocking other profiles.

Once licenses are free, as long as the blocked profiles are still included in your sync this will make them active when the next one runs.

Last modified on 18 October 2024 by Hannah Door
Created on 2 January 2020 by Mhairi Hutton

