License Requests

This article will cover what you need to include in your license request to get this processed.

The license request form is used to apply any updates to your user license. Quote changes will be provided by our account team accordingly. Once the quote is approved & confirmed by your team, the new license total will be applied to your site.

Check out our guide on User Licenses.


Filling out the request

Before submitting a license request, please see the License information

When submitting a liceensr request, you will be asked to enter the following information:


System URL

Provide URL of the intranet


License/contract type

  • Perpetual License with Annual Support and Maintenance Contract
  • SAAS License


Current number of user licenses

Enter the number of license on your system. This information can be found by navigating to Admin > System > License. Please refer our guide on User Licenses.


Add or remove user licenses

Select whether user licenses need to added or removed. Minimum of 5 users must be added.

Our account team will provide an updated quote based on the changes to the number of licenses. Once the quote is approved & confirmed by your team, the new licenses will be applied to your site.


Additional notification recipients

Add an email address if you wish for another user on your team to be notified about changes in the ticket. 



Specify if you would like intranet (Primary Area) or Extranet licences added, or if you would like them moved from one area to another. Feel free to also add any additional comments regarding the user license update for our accounts team to review.


Created on 7 August 2024 by Veronica Kim. Last modified on 8 August 2024

