Digest Notifications

A digest notification pools all those triggered across applications into one message, rather than sending each message individually.

Digests are received after a certain time period (in comparison to notifications sent immediately) and can be set to trigger daily, weekly, or monthly.

This gives users control over the frequency of notifications sent from the Intranet and maintains a clear overview of messages from applications important to them.

When to use Digest notifications?

The optimal notification frequency will vary between users and should be custom curated across applications to meet their needs the best.

Digests can be set overall for all Intranet notifications, but this is only recommended if the user understands the impact this has (and how to change it if required)

We recommend instead each end user assess which applications are crucial to them vs those they only use infrequently or care about in a different capacity so it is fine to receive latent notifications about e.g. social matters vs work

This assessment can used to custom curate choices per application to ensure they are only immediately notified about the crucial applications and less frequently (or not at all) for anything else.

Please note: Notifications from Infocapture, Events, Announcements, Calendar and Compliance are not available as a digest due to their nature, they will always be sent instantly.


Which frequency?

After assessing which applications do not need frequent notifications, consider which frequency would suit each and your preferences best from the below.

By default, the system will check for and trigger digest emails at 7:00 AM every day.

(If there is no content within the application to be notified about, the digest will not be sent)


- Daily 

Any triggers in chosen applications will be pooled in an email sent once per day (at 7.00 AM)

Daily digests avoid numerous notifications from the same application in the day and offer this as a recap of the previous day instead.

- Weekly

Scheduled to be sent every Monday.

Stay informed weekly, works best for non-critical Intranet items that do not require immediate action.


- Monthly

Scheduled for the 1st of every month.

Works best as an overall roundup of the month's work and accomplishments, so not items that require daily updates.


How to set up the digests?

Once the applications you want to use digest with have been identified as well as the appropriate frequency for them, this can be configured in user notification preferences.

Users set their preferences and can change them at any time from this area.

As notifications are such an important part of the Intranet we encourage Intranet management teams to educate their user base on this area and how to make changes to it.

Users can edit their preferences at any time, but in case of any issues Application administrators of Communication can use the reset facility to do so on behalf of users to troubleshoot. 


In the example below the user has utilised a blend of digest notifications and frequencies across applications to suit their needs, especially in comparison to other applications using their default which is an instant email per action:



Example digest emails

Digests will only be sent if there were notifications triggered for that application, nothing will be received if no actions occurred.

Similarly, if a notification was not triggered, it will not appear listed in the digest.

We have lists of all possible notifications and the actions required to trigger them here.


Last modified on 19 June 2024 by Veronica Kim
Created on 18 June 2024 by Hannah Door

