User Notification Preferences

This user guide will take you through setting up your notification preferences in the most effective way for you. 

The type of notification you receive from the Intranet and its application will depend on what is set in your preferences, so make sure this is appropriate for what you expect e.g. email only, in system only, in system and email

An overall default notification type can be set for every application, or you can set a different type per application.

The following information is outlined in the video above.

Notification types

Claromentis has 2 standard types of notifications it can send:

1. In-System notification: These are received to the in system messenger in the Intranet and can be seen by clicking the notification bell icon to expand the messenger...


...or by visiting Applications > Communication > Notifications:


2. Email notification: Correspondance will be sent to the email address entered against a user's profile:


Please note: Push notifications can be configured but only if the custom mobile app is being used. Click here for more information on how to configure push notifications.


Configuring Notification Preferences

It is possible to ensure that all correspondence you will receive is sent to the in system messenger and email or one of these methods.

If you are not receiving notifications that you expect, make sure your preferences are set correctly for notifications to be generated in that format.


Opening the preferences

Click on the notification bell to bring up the messenger, then click on the cog symbol to access the preferences area:



Set the default notification type you want to receive

From here, you can choose the default notification for any of the applications to follow.

So in the image below the user will only receive correspondence from the Intranet as emails and this is set for every application.


This also means this user will never receive an in-system as it is being told not to generate these types for the user.

Choose the appropriate notification type that suits you by checking the boxes, then scroll to the end of the page and click 'save my settings' to apply.

Preferences can be changed at any time from the same area.



Set a deletion timeframe for read notification - applies to In System messages only

Choose the timeframe read notifications will be deleted under.



Would you prefer a digest email?

When email is selected the frequency they are sent can be chosen.


The most common setting is 'send instantly' however there are less frequent digest style emails to consider as well.

Daily Digest: Notifications will be pooled daily and sent as a digest email.

Weekly Digest: Notifications will be pooled weekly and sent as a digest email. 

Monthly Digest: Notifications will be pooled monthly and sent as a digest email.



Consider customising your preferences per application

This is completely optional to configure as simply setting a default notification type to be sent for all applications will work, but if you want granular control can be set up.

Select 'custom' against an application to configure specific options for it.

Repeat this for applications you want to behave differently from the default setting and to suit your needs.


Consider the nature of the application

For the example below Project emails are set to be received via email and not be deleted because this user works heavily with this application and needs a record of all correspondence.

In contrast, they have prevented notifications from being sent from the Knowledge base as they are not interested in these.

Other applications they do want to hear from have been set to the default, which is in system.


It is useful to set things up how you would like them early on to ensure nothing important is missed and you're not frequently bothered by generic notifications.

Change your notification preferences at any time following the steps above.


Created on 26 April 2024 by Hannah Door. Last modified on 19 June 2024

