Push Notification

Push Notification is only supported in Custom Branded App

How can we make sure notification is delivered to our users?

Notification will get through to the recipients through the method specified, It can be either in-system messages, relayed to the push notification on mobile, email only or email digest.  whether users actually read it or not is another matter.

What push notification does, is alerting users in real-time.
It is useful in a timely situation for instance when there is no internet in the office,  office administrator can send a push notification to the member of staff alerting them so that they didn't make the unnecessary journey to the office.


How the user is opt-in for push notification is differ in iOS and Android.

Upon launching the app in iOS, the app would ask user’s permission to send push notification, while on Android it assumes that push notification is part of the app capabilities therefore if users have the app installed it means they have agreed to have push notification enabled.

More about the differences here: https://www.braze.com/blog/theres-no-one-mobile-experience-push-differs-android-ios/

Please note that often Mobile devices are personal devices that belong to the member of staff (BYOD) meaning ultimately they have the full control.

If the mobile device belongs to a company then the company can have more lock-down settings to force push notification, for example, a delivery van driver may have a company mobile that comes with company apps pre-installed. 
In this situation, the delivery van driver often doesn’t have access phone settings to change configuration including uninstalling the app or disabling push notification.

Clearly communicating to the users why push notification needs to enabled or why it is important during users onboarding will be helpful.

It is important to strike balance, as we all know, once the user gets too many irrelevant push notification, they will switch it off or uninstall the app.


On-Premise Push Notification API requirements

HTTPS. All traffic to the REST API uses HTTPS on standard port 443.

Firewalls and proxies must allow outbound HTTPS traffic on port 443 to connect to our REST API.

IP Addresses: OneSignal's infrastructure dynamically assigns IP addresses for the REST API from a large range of Cloudflare IP addresses, and those IP addresses can change without advance notice.

We recommend whitelisting HTTPS traffic to any public IP address or allow api.onesignal.com. Be sure your DNS cache respects OneSignal's TTL of 60 seconds to avoid making requests to stale IP addresses.

OneSignal REST API Requirements and FAQs

TLS 1.2 connection or higher

Read More from OneSignal Documentation


Configuring Push Notification with OneSignal 


Last modified on 6 December 2023 by Hannah Door
Created on 21 February 2019 by Michael Christian

