Configuring Web Push Notification with OneSignal

If you have a custom / branded mobile app for your organisation it is likely that OneSignal has been configured as part of Mobile Push Notification. Please contact our Support team to learn more.
OnPremise: Please make sure your firewall is allowing connection to to send push notification payload.

What is a web push notification?

You may have seen this when you visited a website and it prompts you to send notification?
here is what the prompt often  it looks like,


It sent notification to you even if you are not actively on that website.

Here is an example prompt in the desktop computer:


What is OneSignal?

OneSignal allows a push notification from the Internal messaging within claromentis to be relayed to OS or compatible Browser (Chrome & Firefox) as well as used on Mobile push Notification. 

Mobile Push Notification on iOS and Android requires the development of Custom Mobile App 



Claromentis version 8.6+

OneSignal Account  - Sign Up Here

SSL enabled Claromentis URL  for example:



Web Push

1. Once logged on to OneSignal create an app by clicking "add app" button.

2. Select Web Push and complete the form.

3. You will be asked to download SDK files and add code to your website, you can simply ignore this step below and click "Finish"

4. Still at OneSignal navigate to "Keys and IDs" from the top menu and make note of APP ID and REST API Key which you needs to enter in Claromentis.

5. Navigate to Claromentis  Admin / System / API keys and click on "Add a new integration"

API Name: onesignal

API Description: One Signal Push Notification

Entry Key: app_id

Entry Value: {paste the app ID from onesignal}

Entry Key: api_key

Entry Value: {paste REST API key from onesignal}



6. Test sending web push notification from onesignal



Last modified on 6 December 2023 by Hannah Door
Created on 18 October 2018 by Michael Christian

