Qualification codes

Qualification Codes are a feature in the LMS that allows e-learning content (i.e. Courses, Quizzes, and Training Events) to be linked together.

These codes assign a unique identifier to each available e-learning or training event.

The code will be used to tie content to users' training records where it will appear upon completion.


By using qualification codes, learning content can be connected to different Learning Steps in a Learning Path

Please note: It is not mandatory to have a qualification code unless you wish to include content in a Learning Path where it is required. The code helps measure path progress.


For an overview of LMS, check out our guide on LMS (Learning Management System) Overview.

For an overview of Learning Paths, check out our guide on Learning Paths.


Adding Qualification Codes

The Qualification Code will be used as a unique identifier for each learning content.

Learning Paths and each Learning step need their own qualification code.


Qualification codes can be added & managed via Admin  > Learning > Qualification Code.


They can also be directly added to the learning content properties for Courses, Quizzes, and/or Training Events.

Please note: The Qualification code option will only become available when the content is used in Training Records, as the code ties the content to the user's profile.



Example Learning Path & Steps

A Learning Course (via Learning > Course) is configured with the qualification code CLAESS



Looking at a Learning Path (via Learning > Learning Path), the course is added as a Learning Step.

The course contains the same qualification code, CLAESS.

This means this Course is linked to this step of the Learning Path and the qualification code will be awarded once this part of the Learning Path is completed.



Editing Qualification Codes

Qualification codes can be edited via Admin  > Learning > Qualification Code.

Existing codes can be edited using the pencil (edit) icon. 

When editing a code content that already exists with it attributed will need to be manually updated to facilitate the change, as this is not automatically applied.

Codes for Learning Paths will update when its previous code is edited, but all other content e.g. Courses, Quizzes and Training Events need to be manually updated to reflect a change in code.

Due to this, it is recommended to create a list of all content that has a certain code before a change is applied.

Once compiled the code can be safely updated with each piece of content manually edited to match, ensuring nothing is missed and everything remains linked together with correct new codes reflected across path steps and user profiles.



Deleting Qualification codes

Qualification code can be deleted via Admin  > Learning > Qualification Code.

Only codes that are not in use can be deleted using the trash can icon.

Qualification codes that are in use will indicate they are still associated with existing learning content and therefore cannot be removed.

Please note: You can determine where the Qualification Code is in use by referring to the 'Used In' column and hovering over the LMS icons.


To fully delete the Qualification code, first manually delete the code under each user's training record via Admin > Training Record.

If this needs to be altered for users on a far larger scale than would be appropriate to do individually, an export/import of changes can be made via the bulk update area to do so en masse.

Please note: Deleting a training record will remove it from Training Record Reports. However, the record will remain and not affect the Course Activity Report.

Once the link between the code, content and user profiles has been removed, the code will become available to delete in the admin panel.


Created on 25 October 2022 by Veronica Kim. Last modified on 27 November 2023

