Learning Paths Overview

This guide will provide an overview of the Learning Paths feature in the Learning application.

Learning Paths allow you to use content-focused aspects such as Courses, Events, and Quizzes, by linking them into targeted syllabi using the Qualification Code feature.

We will cover the following topics:

The admin side & learning paths permissions 

Head to Admin > Learning > Learning Path.

This section will give users full permission to access and manage Learning Paths by allowing them to add / edit / delete all Learning Paths.

For more information on the admin side of Learning, check out our guide here.


Creating a learning path

Head to Application > Learning > Learning Path:


You will be taken directly to the Learning Path landing page where you will see all existing Learning Paths:


With the correct permissions, you will see the option to create a Learning Path:

Reminder: If you do not see the option to create a new Learning Path, please check with your administrator that you have the permission needed to do so.


When creating the Learning Path there will be a series of fields to fill out:

  • Learning Path Title: The name of the path you wish to create.
  • Qualification Code: The most important factor that will link all learning content (specifically Learning Steps) to the appropriate Learning Path.
  • Description/Abstract: A short description/overview of the Learning Path.
  • Days to complete: A deadline set for users upon enrolling in the path. If users do not complete the path after the number of days specified, a daily notification will be triggered after the deadline as a reminder.
  • Status: The current status of the Learning Path. Users will only be able to access and interact with paths that are set to Live.
  • Path Image: A thumbnail for the Learning Path.
  • Points (Optional): A required pass mark for the Learning Path. This will not be applied immediately as you need to define points to Steps in your path before adding a required pass mark. This option will need to be re-visit if you choose to add a pass mark.
  • Permissions: Define certain user groups/roles with varying levels of control within the Learning Path.


The front-end & learning paths permissions 

As noted above, different permissions can be granted to specific users.


The permission options are as follows:

  • Can join: User(s) can join the Learning Path.


  • Edit: User(s) can edit Learning Path details and add Steps.


  • Delete: User(s) can delete the Learning Path.


  • Manage Participants: User(s) can view the full list of participants and path records, as well as add participants as needed (This tab will only appear if your Learning Path is set to Live status).


  • Receive Admin Notifications: User(s) can receive notifications for when a user enrols on the Learning Path.

Reminder: Deleted Learning Paths cannot be restored.


Adding steps to a learning path

When looking at your new Learning Path, you will notice there is no content applied to the path. In order to add content, it is required to create a series of Path Steps.

To do so, head to Learning Path > Path Steps:


You will see two sections here: (1) Main Syllabus and (2) Further Learning. 


You will also see an option  . When you choose to add a step to the path you will again be given a series of options similar to the path itself.

  • Step Name: The name of the step you wish to create.
  • Description: An explanation/overview of the step.
  • Requirement: Determine if the step is (a) Mandatory - must be completed even if the required pass mark is achieved without completing this step, (b) Non-Mandatory - optional step that is not required, or (c) part of Further Learning - optional step that is not required.
  • Qualification Code: Connects learning content to the step. The qualification code given at this point must match the qualification code of a course, quiz, or training event.
  • Points: Used to enable a pass mark for the Learning Path allowing for optional steps in your path.

Please note: A qualification code of a Learning Path should never match with one of the Steps. Each step should have a unique qualifications code within the Learning Path.


Last modified on 1 December 2023 by Hannah Door
Created on 28 July 2021 by Veronica Kim

