LMS (Learning Management System) Overview

The Claromentis LMS is split into five separate sections:

(1) Training Records  

The record of a users acheivments within the LMS. Any content completed within the learning tool will appear in the Training Records section. Users will always be able to see their own records but with permissions they will be able to view their subordinates training records or even allow viewing permissions for everyone's training records.

Also within the training records with the correct permissions it is possible to create new training records that can be used to represent training outside of the LMS's predefined syllabus. Created training records can also be used as an alternative method for completing a piece of LMS content.


(2) Learning Paths

Learning Paths are used to define the sylabus of your LMS You can create mutliple Learning Paths and add different steps to each path. These steps then link to the different learning contet created in the LMS using "Qualification Codes" 

Permissions can be given to each individual learning path allowing you to distribute the paths to the correct individual. You can also add users to a specific learning path if you wish them to enrole. 

Each step can have a points attributed to them allowing the creation of a 'minimum pass mark' in the learning path allowing the user diferent methods of completing the path.


(3) Courses

Courses are one of the main ways to implement learning material directly into the LMS. The courses section will allow you to create multiple different courses which will have modules contained within. These modules can contain a variety of learning material including documentation, videos or even SCORM packages.

Both the courses themselves and the modules can have configurable validity dates meaning that upon completion they will have to be retaken in x amount of months/years as well as rules which determine that certain courses/modules cannot be competed until a previous course has been completed first.

Using the afforementiond qualification these modules can be linked to different steps in your learning path and upon completing the course this will in turn complete the step allowing you to measure your progress within the syllabus. 


(4) Events

The Events tool although not a specifically dedicated feature of the LMS allows for the creation of events that can be attributed to a learning path. These events would most likely comprise of Classroom based training or a Webinar. The events once again can be linked to to a learning path.

Each of these events can be scheduled as a stand alone date, or on a repeating schedule of daily, weekly, monthly or yearly depending on how you set up the even in question. 

You also have the ability to configure wether or not an event requires approval of the end users manager and limit how many people can join an event bsed on avialble places.


(5) Quiz 

The Quiz application is the most recent addition to the LMS. This tool allows for users to build learning content with a pass and fail mark to be used as a final assessment in a learning paths syllabus. These quizes can be configured to have a passmark and have a limited amount of attempts to complete. The quizes themselves are built using multiple choice options for your questions.

The Quiz application has a very indepth report tool that will allow you to see the ratio of right to wrong answers in a quiz and the average time it takes users to answer a question. You can also view an individual user to see the exact questions they got right and wrong and how long they specifically took on each question.

Last modified on 1 December 2023 by Hannah Door
Created on 28 January 2020 by Michael Hassman

