In the Learning application, both Courses and Modules have configurable validity dates meaning that upon completion they will have to be re-taken in X amount of months/years.
This guide will cover how to set a validity date within a course and/or module as well as how to set up reminder emails to ensure users can keep track of their progress.
Course validity
Course validity refers to how long the course will be valid before the user(s) are required to re-take the course.
When the Course validity check is performed the system is looking to see if users have completed all modules within the Course and if they have then they are automatically completed for the Course once again.
Without module validities set as well when your Course expires the modules won't (so users remain 'completed' for modules) and the system will mark users as complete for the Course, which may not be your intention if you wish users to instead re-take the content.
1. Head to the Course you would like to set a validity date.
2. Select Edit Properties.
3. Navigate to the Advanced tab.
4. Enter the Course Validity timeframe either in Month(s) or Year(s).
5. Once you have completed filling out the necessary information, press
Please note: When the validity date is reached, user completion status will automatically change from >
Course reminders
Once the Course Validity date has been set, a reminder notification will be triggered after X months/years after the last completion date.
Please note: A reminder for users to re-take a course will be triggered daily until completed.
Additional course reminders
There is also an option to manually send a one-time-only notification email reminder via the Audit section found on the landing page of the course.
Here you can choose to remind users to (a) Complete the course or (b) Enroll in the course.
Module validity
Module validity refers to how long the module will be valid for before user(s) are required to re-take the module.
1. Head to the Module you would like to set a validity date.
2. Select Edit Properties.
3. Navigate to the Advanced tab.
4. Enter the Module Validity timeframe either in Month(s) or Year(s).
5. Once you have completed filling out the necessary information, press
Module reminders
Module validity reminder
Once the Module Validity date has been set, a reminder notification will be triggered after X months/years after the last completion date.
Please note: A reminder for users to re-take a course will be triggered daily until completed.
Module reminder
This notification will be sent to enrolled users based on the value entered below.
It will be sent every day until the user completes the module.
Set to '0' to turn off reminders.