Courses: Certificate options

A certificate can be either auto-generated by the system upon Course completion or manually given to users by Learning administrators in their training record.

The below methods will suit different situations and whether the Course content was completed on the intranet or externally.


Can be enabled from Admin > Courses:

Once enabled users will receive a hardcoded certificate like the below once they complete a Course:

The certificate will only appear when looking at the Course:

Please note: This certificate design can only be altered using custom work. If you are interested in what is possible raise a ticket outlining your requirements here.

Added by administrators

 - Individually

From a user training record select the 'Add certificate' option:

A PDF or image can be uploaded as well as other metadata...

... once saved it will appear on that user's training record:


 - To multiple users at once (as a new training record entry)

From a user's training record click 'Add new record'...

... the option to assign to multiple users will appear as well as the ability to select that this has a certificate:

No auto-generation or upload of the certificate is required, instead, the system will simply create an entry for the 'certificate' in the training record.


Last modified on 7 September 2023 by Veronica Kim
Created on 7 September 2023 by Hannah Door

