IC Dashboard
Public News | 21 January 2015

It is crucial to understand how your business processes are performing, as well as providing users a clear picture of the current issues, enabling them to make quicker, better-informed decisions.
ICDashboard Version 1.0 includes 6 components, which can be used on the ICDashboard homepage and also embedded within Publish Templates, while the smart object counterpart can be dropped directly into Publish Pages. This flexibility allows for the creation of unlimited dashboards, based on your exact requirements. Download the User Guide to read about each of the components.
The new ICDashboard module is free to all customers who have a license for Infocapture. If you are entitled to this module and would like to have it installed, please open a Support Ticket or contact support@claromentis.com.
Please note that ICDashboard is only compatible with Claromentis version 7.3 onwards.
Free Infocapture Templates
We also now have a number of Infocapture project templates available to download, ranging from Purchase Order Requests to Support Tickets to Performance Reviews to Mortgage Applications! You can find the templates here on the Claromentis Community. If you don't already have access to the Claromentis Community, you will need to sign up for an account.
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