Discuss: Front-end overview

The Discuss application is a great tool for team and company collaboration. Admins can create discussion topics that are public or private for selected individuals or teams where conversation whether formal or informal can take place.

Share links, images, events and tasks to customise each Topic for different use cases.

It is also possible to place discussions on pages using the Discuss component. This way users can quickly see the latest comments and contribute with ease without having to open the application directly.

For all available permissions & configuration options, make sure to read our Discuss: Admin Overview.

Front-end of discuss

Head to Application > Discuss:


All topics and categories a user has permission to view will be listed:


Tabs on the left can be used to filter by:

  • Pinned: Discussion topics that have been pinned/saved to the top of the list to highlight key topics.
  • Hot Topics: Discussion topics that received 10 new posts in the last 10 days. This is to indicate the current trending topics to encourage further engagement. 
  • Archived: Discussion topics that have been archived and are no longer in use.


Creating discussion topics

With the correct permissions, you will see the option to create a discussion topic.

Reminder: If you do not see the option please check with your administrator that you have the permission needed to do so.


For more information, please refer to our guide on How to Create a Discussion.



Topic details

  • Upcoming Events: A list of any related events, this does not relate to the Events application. 
  • Task: A list of tasks that have been created within the discussion
  • Contributors: A list of all users that have permissions to contribute to the discussion
  • Tags: Any tags used when creating the discussion 


You can filter each area using the Menu:



Upcoming events that have been added to the discussion topic will be listed.

More events can be created using the + Add an Event option.



Reminder: Events created in the Discuss application are not related to the Events application, these stand alone in Discuss.



Any tasks that have been created within the discussion topic will be listed.

More Tasks can be created using the + Add a Task option.


Files & attachments

Files that have been added to discussion comments will be listed under this tab.

They can only be added or removed in posts made and not the tab.



Any hyperlinks used in posts or replies will be listed under this tab.

As with files, the links can only be added/removed to the tab from the posts/comments they were made in.



Notes that have been added to the discussion topic will be listed.

More notes can be created using the + Add a Note option.


Subscribing to topics

Users can subscribe to a Topic at any time using the flag icon:


When subscribed a notification will be generated for every change or post made in the Topic.

An administrator can blanket subscribe to everyone at the point of Discussion creation:


If this is used, each user still can unsubscribe themselves at any time using the flag:

Please note: The Subscribe users option is only available when creating the discussion topic and cannot be used after the topic has been created. If needed, you can use the 'Send a notification to Users who can view this Discussion' option as an alternative option to trigger a one-time notification.



Discuss component

Topics can be added to a page using either the Discussion component or the Discussion List component.

The Discussion component allows you to display a single topic on a page, and users can add posts directly into it without needing to go to the Discuss application directly:


The Discussion List component allows you to display a list of topics within a page for the user to click on and open in the application:



Created on 7 August 2024 by Hannah Door. Last modified on 20 August 2024

