How to Create a Discussion

This guide shows you how to create a discussion topic in the Discuss application.

With the correct permissions that have been configured from the admin side of the Discuss application, you will see an option to create a new topic.

A discussion allows you to create different topics in which you and other members of staff can share ideas and thoughts on these topics

Creating a discussion topic

1. Head to Applications > Discuss, and click to add a 'New Discussion Topic':

Reminder: If you do not see the option to create a new topic, please check with your administrators that you have the permissions needed to do so.


2. Enter the details. 

This will take you to the creation page where you will be required to fill out fields to give context to the discussion i.e. Title, Description, Categories, and Tags.


When filling out the details, you will also be prompted to define permissions for the discussion. 

  • Contribute: Allows users to view and comment on the discussion topic
  • Edit: Enables the user(s) to configure the Discussion details including the description and image
  • Admin: Give the user(s) full configuration rights, they can edit and delete all user posts, replies etc


Once the details are in place you can decide to send a notification to the users with the 'Contribute' permissions.

This can be either a default notification or you can choose to write this in your own words by writing in the text field below


3. Select Create Discussion to create the topic and the topic will be opened on your screen for posts to be made.

4. The Topic will now appear on the front end to those with permissions and the notification will have been sent (if this option was chosen)


Created on 31 July 2024 by Hannah Door. Last modified on 8 August 2024

