Discuss: Admin overview

To access the administrative side of the Discuss application you need to be an application administrator.

Navigate to Admin > Discuss where the configuration is separated into three sections:

  • Categories
  • Permissions
  • Default Permissions



Here you can create categories to save new Discussions under to help with structure and organisation in the long term (i.e. Department discussions, Products, Company culture, and Events).





Permissions set here are for the overall application.

Users with the 'create a new discussion' permissions will see the button on the front end to create new topics.

Users with the 'admin' permissions can view, edit and delete all topics created (including the posts and comments in them)

Please note: Any user with Admin permissions will be able to delete discussions. Deleted content cannot be restored.



Default permissions

The permissions filled out here will auto-populate when any user creates a new discussion on the front end.

This can help speed up the process if the majority of permissions across topics will be the same.

Alternatively, leave this blank so any time a new topic is created the creator has to choose all users/roles/groups and give them rights.


Created on 31 July 2024 by Hannah Door

