Email in ClaMailMessage

Email address for a user account.

Email address is a mandatory field when creating a user in Claromentis because it provides integral functionality within the system, in addition to in-system notifications.

Here is the list of modules and functionality where email is triggered from the system.

App/Module Function
Login Password recovery and reminder.
Calendar Sending event info with .ics file attached, initial invitation with .ics file.
Digital Assets Option to ask for uploader for uncompressed video.
Core License alert.
Compliance Sending compliance emails to the users.
Documents Document workflow.
Events Invitation emails, registration confirmation.
Holiday planner Download holiday events containing *ics attachment.
HR Some notifications, reminders and HR login reset.
Infocapture Notifications, and responses when using POP/IMAP mail processor for issues/notes
People User account frozen notification.
Gravatar Randomly generated gravatar user profile picture (if configured)
Project Project update digest
Reports Scheduled reports containing CSV file
Communication Copy to email, and mail digest.

In addition, any custom modules that use ClaMailMessage::Send()



Does Claromentis require a unique email address per user account?

Claromentis can be configured to allow multiple users to share the same email address.

However, each user must have a unique username. This means that when an email is triggered by any of the users, it will be sent to the shared email address.

Example common use case:


How about password recovery?

if a shared email address is used, the username will be required for the forgotten password feature. 



Created on 25 July 2022 by Michael Christian. Last modified on 3 August 2023

