Send in system Infocapture notifications


By default, InfoCapture notifications are sent by email.

This is intentional so that users don't miss important notifications triggered by an InfoCapture project, regardless of their notification preferences within Claromentis.

Users can create custom rich text content for InfoCapture notifications which in most cases contain important information including a copy of the forms and notes. 

This type of notification is better suited to be delivered as an email rather than in-system notification.


Using In-System Notification on Trigger

However, it is possible when designing Triggers in InfoCapture to select in-system notification instead of email.


When In-system is selected for a particular trigger, It means InfoCapture is using the built-in Claromentis notification delivery system, which can be set in the Communication preferences - so this can differ per user.


Push notification on InfoCapture tickets can only work if users have in-system and Push Notification checked and form Triggers are set to use In-system notification only. 

Please note: Depending on the platform and device being used, there is a character limit when sending push notifications. Learn more 


Last modified on 30 November 2023 by Hannah Door
Created on 20 January 2022 by Michael Christian

