Documents Admin: Manage Documents List

An application administrator of Documents can access Applications > Admin > Documents > Manage Documents to follow this guide.


From this area, an overview of the whole directory is given so application administrators of Documents can see every folder and file from the admin side without requiring front-end permissions.

For this reason, administrators of Documents should be carefully chosen by your team, as those responsible will have access to all uploaded files with full control to view, modify or delete them.

This guide will cover what actions an administrator of Documents can carry out from the 'Manage Documents List' area.

A general overview of the Admin > Documents landing page is given here


Viewing the Directory

The Applications > Admin > Documents > Manage Documents list pathway:


The overarching directory is revealed:


Here an administrator of Documents can manage all files and folders, performing duties required to maintain the directory.

They do not require front-end permissions to content, instead, they can access everything from the admin side.

Clicking on folder titles will open their level in the structure.

Clicking on files will open their properties.


The directory appears as a tree diagram with the ability to expand or collapse its sections to allow for changes.


Making changes

Most actions that can be performed on the front end can be carried out on the admin side.

e.g. New folders can be created:


Files can be uploaded:


Permission changes made to folders or files using the 'i' icon:

Check out our 'Assigning permissions from the admin side' guide for more information.


Properties of files and folders can be edited:


Items can be moved within the directory using the clipboard function on the admin side, which is covered in more detail here.


Administrators can delete files too and add them to the trash can.

They will see all deletions made by users in the trash can and be able to permanently delete or restore these (within the 30-day limit)



Created on 9 August 2024 by Hannah Door

