How to Publish SCORM Content in Easy Generator

This guide shows you how to choose the right settings for publishing SCORM content in Easy Generator so you can import it to your Claromentis site. You will have to publish content as SCORM version 1.2.

A SCORM package is a complete zip file containing all elements of an elearning course. When added to the courses section of the intranet as a module, users can take the course and have their progress tracked. 

Creating SCORM 1.2 Package

When you have finished creating the course, you will want to navigate to heading number 4, which is 'Publish'

Choose 'To your LMS'

LMS stands for Learning Management System, Claromentis has an LMS built in where you will add this course:

Download as SCORM

When clicking this button you will have 2 options, for Claromentis, you will need SCORM 1.2:

File downloads as a zip 

When you click this, the complete file should download as a zip. If you are using a Safari browser it has been known to not provide a zip file, in this instance manually zipping the file will not have the same effect and the file will not work. We recommend downloading the file on another browser where it downloads completely as a zip. 

Uploading SCORM in Claromentis

In Claromentis navigate to

Applications > Learning > E-Learning Courses > Add New Module

When adding new module, please sure you select SCORM 1.2 Package (zip) and upload the zip file.


This is a simple and very slick looking elearning generator which we currently produce all of our courses with. Because of this, we have an available discount code for our customers to use which is: Claro10

To see an example course built on EG please click here.


Created on 23 April 2020 by Hannah Door. Last modified on 1 December 2023

