Communication FAQ's

How do I control what type of notifications I receive from the site?

Each user can set individual notification preferences either per application or by default for all of them.

To check what you currently have set and to update them if required, click the cog in the in-system messenger or from the communication application.

Steps on how to update this are here.


Can we change the address that notifications come from?

Claromentis has one system email address that can be changed to best fit your site's requirements.

This address will appear against all notifications from the Intranet, and cannot be set to something per application.

(Only InfoCapture allows a custom email per project, but this is an exception to this rule)

Generally, this will be '' or similar.

Our support team can update the address in the configuration file of your site, so please let us know what you would like to change this to in a support ticket submission and we can assist further :)


How do I see what action will trigger a notification in Blog?

All notification triggers are listed in Application > Admin > System > Localisation > Edit notification templates.

Click on the application you are interested in and the title of each trigger will reveal when the notification will send.

List of all notification triggers.


Can the notifications sent out be edited to include images?

It's not currently possible for Claromentis notifications to carry images, unfortunately, but is something we hope to support in the future.


Created on 12 June 2024 by Hannah Door. Last modified on 19 June 2024

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