Bulk Import Training Records


Bulk importing training records is useful when you have a large number of records to populate the system or your simply performing a bulk update of many training records within your company or organisation.

This functionality is available from Admin > Learning > Bulk Import/Export


If you would like to have additional fielda against a Training Record such as 'Type of Training',  'Class Size', 'Training Hours', please add these as metadata through Metadata Admin Panel.


Step 1: Download CSV Template

Click on Download CSV Template button to get a spreadsheet template for bulk import. You can open CSV (Comma Separated Value) file using Spreadsheet software such as Microsoft Excel or Open Office.

Step 2: Populate the spreadsheet

Simply populate the spreadsheet with the record you wish to import


Record ID

Each training record has a unique Record ID, you must use the same record ID if you wish to update/edit the record. For a new record use '0' (zero).



The name should match the unique username of the user you wish to add a record to, please note that user must exist on the system for a training record to be added against that user.


Record Type

For a standard Training Record entry use Training Record, in addition, it is also possible to amend or alter Learning Path, and E-learning.


Object ID

The object ID is a reference to unique Learning object in database, for example it might be a Training Event or E-learning Course for a new training record use '0' (zero)



Title is the title of the training for example Introduction to Project Management


Training Provider

Training provider is the name of the organisation that provides the training for example Corporate Learning Ltd.


Completion Date

Completion date is the date when the training is complete. You must populate completion date in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD for example 2019-06-17

Tips: Microsoft Excel often automatically change the date format, in order to change to the above format you can right-click in the column heading and click Format Cell

Choose Number > Date > 2001-03-14


Other Information

Other information is a text file that you can add extra information about the training, it is optional.


Qualification Code

Qualification code is a unique code used for the completion of Learning Path. It connects various type of Learnings within Claromentis. For example, you may have training with title 'Introduction to Project Management' and it has a unique code PM1  to represent that training.

Metadata Fields

Some of the fields such as Instructor Name, Training Dates, Duration etc are called metadata fields. These are custom fields which are created on the system and will be different for each organisation.


Delete ?

If you need to perform bulk deletion of existing Training Record, this field must be set to '1' (without quote) and it must have a match to the unique Record ID within the system.

For a new record or update just leave it blank.


Step 3: Saving CSV File

Save the CSV file.  Excel may give the following warning in which you can simply continue.
Tips: for Mac users, you may need to save your CSV file in Windows Comma Separated (.csv)


Step 4: Performing Import

From Admin > Learning > Bulk Import/Export Click on 'choose file' to upload the CSV file you have prepared. and click Import from CSV button.

Upon successful import, you will get confirmation on how many records were imported.

Tips: Perform some check to the user's Training Record making sure they were imported correctly.



Error: Non-numeric Record Id encountered on row 1

Possible cause:

  • You must put 0 for new record in Record Id column rather than leave it blank
  • Check column header in your spreadsheet to make sure they are matched with the exported CSV Template


Columns do not match header specification
  • The column headings in the CSV file you are using to import does not match with the template downloaded from the system. Please re-download the CSV template and make sure the column headings are identical.


A record completion date with an incorrect format has been found near row { 15 }
  • Incorrect date format, the date format must be in YYYY-MM-DD


Last modified on 1 December 2023 by Hannah Door
Created on 13 July 2019 by Michael Christian

