How to Publish SCORM Content in Articulate Storyline Endorsed

This guide shows you how to choose the right settings for publishing SCORM content in Articulate Storyline, so you can upload it to the Learning Management System Module in Claromentis.

Creating SCORM 1.2 Package in Articulate Storyline

1. After you have completed creating a learning material and you are ready to publish it, click "Publish" button from Articulate's Home Ribbon


2. Select 'LMS' from the left side panel, under Output Option

Make sure that "SCORM 1.2" is selected from the LMS drop-down menu.


3. Click  Reporting & Tracking, that should open a new window.

Please ensure that SCORM 1.2 is selected from the drop-down menu and under LMS Reporting, make sure that Incomplete/complete or pass/failed is selected.


Click the "Tracking" tab to specify how you wish to track user progress and we recommend you to track it using quiz result if your package contains quizzes.


4. When you're done click "Publish" to generate a zip file containing the SCORM 1.2  package which you can then upload to Claromentis, 



Uploading SCORM in Claromentis

In Claromentis navigate to

Applications > Learning > E-Learning Courses > Add New Module

When adding new module, please sure you select SCORM 1.2 Package (zip) and upload the zip file.








Last modified on 1 December 2023 by Hannah Door
Created on 20 June 2018 by Michael Christian

