OnPremise Staging Server Refresh

OnPremise Server Refresh 


The work is to replace all data (database, data and application files) on  Staging server with data taken from Production (Live) server. Staging-specific configuration (like DB host, passwords etc.) will be re-applied.


- Agreement from the client that the staging content and version will be replaced by the Live content and version

- Completed 'pre-flights' check


Pre-flights check: 1 hr

Refresh: 0.5 - 1.5 hrs 


- If transfer of data cannot be completed during the initial ‘pre-flight' check, an agreed method of transferring data between servers will be required

- Rollback of staging server is not available

Acceptance criteria:

Staging site in the same state as Production from the point of data transfer.


Staging downtime 0.5 - 1.5 hrs

Resources required:

PM, Support Engineer. Client’s tech resource

Created on 26 May 2018 by Stas Dreiling. Last modified on 8 January 2020

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