What We Are Working On...

Public News | 15 November 2013 by Mhairi Hutton


We like to keep our customers informed on what we are currently working on and what you can expect to see in the next software releases..

We are currently working on Claromentis version 7.2. Unfortunately we have had a few delays but we are aiming for a release around Christmas time. The main focus of this release is improvements to Infocapture. The key enhancements to this application are:

  • Triggers: These are essentially transitional states. It will be possible to define before and after states of fields, including Status. Currently (for example) you could trigger a notification when Status is Approved. In version 7.2 it will be possible to trigger a notification when Status WAS Submitted and is NOW Approved.
  • Field permissions: The field permissions area have been overhauled and we have implemented a new area for managing field permissions groups.
  • Notifications: Ability to send notifications to a specified email address. Currently this can only be done using a plugin.
  • Drag and Drop: Ability to drag and drop rows of fields within the form.
  • File upload: New field type for uploading files within the form.

In addition, we will be introducing a Blog application. This is built on top of the News application and allows each user to have their own personal Blog (similar to a news channel), which other users can subscribe to.

Other enhancements in 7.2:

  • Overall look and feel has been updated
    • The applications menu and the Admin Panel have been restyled
  • Image Gallery layout has been improved

In addition to version 7.2, we are also working on improving the Knowledge Base module. We are planning to introduce more features, such as FAQ, category experts and the ability to implement metadata.




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