New User Accounts

Public News | 19 February 2013 by Mhairi Hutton


IMPORTANT UPDATE: Your new user accounts will be activated on Thursday 21st February, between 6pm and 10pm GMT.

Currently, customers each have one account to access the Discover Support Portal. Multiple people from a company login using a single username. As of Thursday evening, each person will have their own personal account, including username. On Thursday, between 6pm and 10pm GMT, each person will receive an email containing individual login details.

Existing tickets will be reassigned to their individual owners. Each person will be able to view tickets they have submitted, as well as tickets submitted by other people in their team.

Currently, customers each have one account to access the Discover Support Portal. Multiple people from a company login using a single username. As of Thursday evening, each person will have their own personal account, including username. On Thursday, between 6pm and 10pm GMT, each person will receive an email containing individual login details.

Existing tickets will be reassigned to their individual owners. Each person will be able to view tickets they have submitted, as well as tickets submitted by other people in their team.




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