Version 7.1 Coming Soon!
Public News | 12 October 2012

The notifications system has been enhanced. Users will be able to opt to recieve daily, weekly or monthly digests. A summary list of recent messages will also available.
Best Bets
We are introducting Best Bets. Administrators can ensure that relevant documents are exposed to users and the inevitable erroneous search terms can be counteracted through suggestions of alternative spellings, words and phrases.
Social Profile
Users will now be able to integrate their Twitter, Linkedin, Google+ and Skype accounts within their user profiles.
User Pickers & Permissions
Single and multi user pickers will be seen in various locations across Claromentis, such as setting managers, changing object owners, assigning users to Group and Roles, etc. The ‘Permissions Picker’ provides an easy way to locate objects, i.e. Group, Role, Extranet Area and individual users, when configuring permissions. It is important that users are familiar with both types of ‘User Picker’ as well as the ‘Permissions Picker’, since they are common across Claromentis.
To request an upgrade to claromentis version 7.1, please submit a request here
With special thanks to the Core Team & Testing Team: Alan Jenkins, Alexander Polyanskikh, Edd Trent, Avantika Gosain and Vipaasha Sheel
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