Introducing Marketplace!

Public News | 30 July 2020 by Mhairi Hutton custom, marketplace


It's been a strange few months, with everyone having to quickly adjust to the "new normal". To make it easier for you to thrive in an increasingly digital workplace, we've been busy adapting our own products and services to help you work smarter. And as a result, we're incredibly excited to announce that we have a brand new customer resource called Marketplace. 

Marketplace is our go-to hub for you to download free InfoCapture templates, purchase intranet add-ons, and request custom apps that will power-up your intranet. We're talking plugins that can add a "like" button to tickets (just like our ideas portal), automatically submit and assign forms, generate invoices, and more.

Have a browse here and see if anything takes your fancy. We'll be constantly adding new apps to Marketplace too, so keep checking for updates.

Explore Marketplace

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