Welcome to your new Discover support portal

Public News | 1 February 2018 by Kerensa Johnson


We’re incredibly excited to unveil our brand new support portal. Read on to discover what’s new.

Welcome to the new Discover! Our Support team have been working their magic over the past few months to provide our customers with a brand new interactive and comprehensive support portal. Here’s what you can expect to find:

Categorised ticket submission - We’ve revamped our Support Ticket form to include better categorisation, allowing you to report issues on specific applications quicker and more accurately. This will allow us to identify any trends or patterns of problems with applications, meaning we can fix issues and improve features faster.

Video user guides - We’ve broken down our application user guides into bite-size videos, allowing you to watch them as many times as you want at your convenience. We’ve organised our videos into applications categories as well - check them out below:




InfoCapture templates - We’ve created some brand new InfoCapture templates for you, which you can download for free here.

Free webinars - Starting soon are our free webinars, which will help you make the most of our software to propel your business forward. Webinars will be displayed on the Discover homepage, so keep an eye out!

We want your feedback! - In the top right corner of every page, you’ll notice a “Submit feedback” button which will take you to our feedback form. We’d love to know what you think about our support services and if there’s anything we could improve on, as well as any feedback about the new Discover, so we encourage you to have your say!





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