Implementing SSO with Login Handler and DUO


This is an overview guide on how to implement SSO (Single-Sign-On) with Claromentis and DUO



  • Claromentis 9+ with Login Handler Module version 4+
  • Duo Essentials package with Single Sign-On
  • Duo Admin account with the Owner role.
  • Active Directory or a SAML identity provider that can be used as your primary authentication source for Duo Single Sign-On. 
Important:  Duo isn't an Identity Provider and it requires Active Directory or a SAML identity Provider


📙  Duo Documentation: Duo Single Sign-on for Generic SAML Service Providers

Step 1:  Enable Duo Single Sign On

1.Log in to the Duo Admin Panel and navigate to Applications → SSO Settings.

2. On the Customize SSO Subdomain page you can specify a subdomain you'd like your users to see when they are logging in with Duo Single Sign-On. For example, you can enter companyname and users would see in the

3. On the Add Authentication Source page choose between using Active Directory or a SAML Identity Provider as your authentication source.

4. If you are using Active Directory, follow the guide to install  Authentication Proxy

5. Configure Active Directory

6. Set Permitted Email Domains

7. Test Active Directory Configuration



Step 2: Configure SSO in Claromentis

Navigate to Admin → Custom Login handler → SSO Configuration

1. Select Identity Provider "Duo"

2. Notice the following information which needs to be configured in the Duo Application

3. Populate Security Configuration 

4. IDP Identifier (you will need this information from Duo Application)

5. Federation Metadata XML (you will need XML from Duo Application)

6. Save Options


Step 3: Getting Service Provider Metadata XML

On the browser navigate to:


Replace {yoursystemurl} with your system address for example

Username: admin

Enter the password by revealing password in Auth Admin Password

Rename the file downloaded called claromentis by adding .XML extension for example claromentis.xml

You will need this file to be uploaded to Duo in Step 4



Step 4: Protect an Application

📙  Duo Documentation: Create Your Cloud Application in Duo

1. Log on to the Duo Admin Panel and navigate to Applications → Protect an Application.

2. Locate the entry for Generic SAML Service Provider


3. Service Provider

Metadata Discover: Metadata XML file

Metadata XML File: upload file claromentis.xml 

This XML file is going to populate: ACS URL, Entity ID, Single Logout URL, NameID format, Assertion encryption certificate


4. SAML Response

NameIDformat: urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:unspecified

NameID attribute:  <Username>

Signature algorithm: SHA256

Signing options: Checked both Sign response Sign assertion

Assertion encryption  Encrypt the SAML assertion

Certificate: Upload Assertion encryption

Map attributes:


5. Policy

Setup Application Policy, here is an example:


6. Save configuration.


Created on 21 November 2024 by Michael Christian. Last modified on 26 November 2024

