Subscribing to Knowledge base

The Subscribe feature allows users to follow and keep up-to-date with any Knowledge base category or guides they have permission to.

A notification will be generated to a Knowledge base subscriber any time a new guide is published in the category. A notification will also be sent if an existing guide has been edited within the associated category (i.e. guide edited, comment added etc.).


Subscribing to KB categories

From the Knowledge base category, select the Follow option.


Following a category will automatically subscribe users to new guides and all existing guides. Users will receive a notification when a guide is newly published or when an existing guide within the category is edited.

Please note: KB subscriptions are chosen by the users themselves and cannot be enforced by a Knowledge base application admin.



Subscribing to a KB guide

From a Knowledge base guide, select the Follow option.


Unlike subscribing to a category, users can follow a single Knowledge base guide instead. Users will receive a notification when the existing guide is edited.

Please note: KB subscriptions are chosen by the users themselves and cannot be enforced by a Knowledge base application admin.



Unsubscribing from KB

Users can unsubscribe from a Knowledge base category or guide the same way they subscribed, by toggling the Follow option.



Subscription notifications

Subscribed users will receive notifications according to their notification preference (i.e. In-system, Email etc.).

For more information, check out our Notification Preference guide.


Created on 29 July 2024 by Veronica Kim

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