Buttons: Admin Overview


The administrative set up of Buttons is very simple and only has one control - who can manage Buttons i.e. create, edit and remove them.

An Application Administrator can navigate to Admin > Buttons

Any user(s) added to this permissions box can manage Buttons from the front end of the application.


Generally, only administrators will be given the ability to create and manage Buttons, however, if you have the sort of company environment where users can be trusted to make these and share with others there is the option to do this by giving more users this ability.


Button managers can create new ones on the front end as well as update those existing.

They can change the Button properties style, colours, image and permissions.

Please note: Permissions for Buttons means those users will be able to see it when placed on a Page. make sure the same users also have permissions to view the pages the Buttons are placed on!


Created on 7 May 2024 by Hannah Door

