Creating a Blog Post

The Blog application is a versatile tool that will allow users to communicate and share the most up-to-date news, opinions, and links to external content with their viewer base.

Once a blog channel has been set up, users can create and assign blog posts to the channel.

An approval process can be set up in Blog which means some users can only submit posts for approval (and not make them live) These are reviewed and published by different users.

Please read our guide about Creating a Blog channel and permissions before this one.

Creating a post

Applications > Blog

Existing blog posts the user has permission to view will be listed along with a search function, a 'Date' archive list to filter by and a tag cloud for alternative searches.


A user with appropriate permissions to a Blog channel will see the button shown below and use this to create a new post:

Reminder: If you can't see this button, ask a Sysadmin to change your permissions


Details about the post can be entered in the first tab:

  • Channel: Select the channel the post will be saved under
  • Title: The main title of the post
  • Tag: Add tags to aid searching
  • Picture: Add a header image for the post
  • Summary: A short body of text that will be seen in the blog component or the preview of the post.
  • Content: There are three options to choose from
    • Text - Write a more in-depth entry
    • Link - Place a URL that will link to articles on other websites
    • None - Just present the summary if there is no need for more information or need to link to another site.
  • Comments: Choose to enable or disable other users from commenting on the post


Check the Additional options tab.

Set a specific date in the future for the article to be published and deleted (if applicable)


Once these details have been completed and the post is ready to be saved.


 - A user with the ability to publish posts can:

1. Save as a personal draft (only they can access this to make further edits and then choose to publish it)

2. Publish the post and make it live (by clicking 'create new blog post')


A user who can only submit posts for approval by others can

1. Save as a personal draft (only they can access this to make further edits and then choose to submit for approval)

2. Submit the post for approval by clicking 'create new Blog post(Any user with 'approve others' permissions can access their article and edit it)



Viewing a post

Once published an article will be viewable on the front end of Blog (Applications > Blog) and any notifications triggered will be sent.


Users can view its content and interact with it.

1. Subscribe to the blog to receive updates when new content is published.

2. Like the post

3. Share the post

4. Read and leave a comment (if enabled)



Created on 18 April 2024 by Hannah Door. Last modified on 23 May 2024

