Event notifications

We will provide an overview of all available Event notifications.

Notifications are attached to Event permissions, so users will only receive notifications if they can join or withdraw from an Event or its waiting list.

Templates for each language can be viewed and edited from Admin > System > Localisation > Edit templates > Events.

Notification not sending?

Remember: The type of notification received by users e.g. email, in-system, none etc will depend on their preferences as outlined here.

If a notification is not evident, check the recipient's preferences are correct to receive this how they would expect first.


What notifications can Events send and who will receive these?

1. Basic user Event notifications

These notifications will always be received in email format and not in line with user preferences




These 3 notifications are configured by the user who created the Event and can be enabled using the option below which appears when creating one:

These notifications will only be sent to users with 'Can join' permissions and will fire in these scenarios.

  • Invited: The Event has been made live 
  • Cancelled: The Event is cancelled by the creator of the Event or an Administrator 
  • Updated: The Event is edited and saved (usually as an update is required e.g. the the date/time, title etc) 



2. If approval is required to join the Event



This fires when a user with permission requests to join an Event as this requires approval.

The recipient(s) will be users that have been given the 'Manage booking and attendees' permission.

They can either approve or decline the request, which means the user can be added or left out of the Event.

It's possible to widen the number of users that can make approvals to the user's line manager as designated in Admin > People, it can be enabled per Event using the option below:




The user that requested to join an Event that requires approval will receive either of the above notifications based on the choice made by the user with 'Manage booking and attendees' permission (which could include their line manager if that option has been enabled) about their request to join.


Please note: If a user has declined approval, they will not be able to request approval again, 'Declined' will appear where the join button usually appears preventing them from doing so.

If in the future it is decided the declined user does need to join the Event, then a user with 'manage booking and attendees' permission, administrator or their manager (if enabled) can change their status in the 'attendee registration' area, or use the bin icon to remove them completely (allowing them to request approval to join again)

Free spaces will need to be available in the Event to approve them.



3. If the Event has a limited number of spaces



This notification will fire when a user has clicked to attend an Event when there are spaces available.

It will be sent to users with the 'Manage booking and attendees' permission.



This notification will fire when a user has clicked to attend an Event when there are spaces available.

It will be sent to the user who clicked to attend outlining they have joined the Event.



This notification will fire when a user who joined the Event has withdrawn from it.

It will be sent to the user with the 'Manage booking and attendees' permission.



4. If the Event implements a waiting list

(This can only be configured when Event spaces are limited).



This notification will fire when a user previously attending the Event has withdrawn and a waiting list has been implemented.

It will be sent to all users on the waiting list and will outline their new position in the queue due to the withdrawal.

Please note: Every time a user withdraws from an Event those on the waiting list for it will receive this notification outlining their new position in the queue.



This notification will fire when a user previously attending the Event has withdrawn and a waiting list has been implemented.

It will be sent to the user in the first position on the waiting list advising they are no longer on the waiting list and have now been added to the Event as attending.



This notification will fire when the total capacity of the Event has been raised by the Event creator or user with permission to edit e.g. Administrator.

It will be sent to users who were on the waiting list but can now join the Event due to increased capacity.

Please note: In this situation those who are still on the waiting list after the increase will receive the events.user.now_waiting notification outlining their new position.



Decrease Event capacity?

It is possible to decrease the Event capacity once users have already joined, however, this will not generate any notifications to users about changes, as the system will not revert users' positions, it will instead display this message:

e.g. this Event capacity was reduced from 3 users to 1, but the system did not move 2 users to the waitlist automatically when the capacity was reduced.

Instead administrators/those with 'manage bookings and attendees' permission can manually rectify the situation by choosing which attendees should be reverted to their ability to join by using the '- - -' option.

Once the number of users reverted meets the new reduced capacity for the Event the system will automatically add them to the waitlist as expected.


5. Other notifications


This notification will fire when the status of an Event is changed (by a user who has 'edit this Event' permissions or an administrator) and the recipient will be the user set as the 'Organiser'.

Please note: If you are making the changes and are also the organiser of the Event being changed, the notification will not be sent as you are aware you have done this and don't need to be notified



This will fire if a user is added to an Event via the attendee registration area, which will only appear to those with the 'Manage booking and attendees' permission.

The recipient of the notification is the user that was added.

If approval was required, the user is automatically approved when added in this way, which results only in the 'Manager added' notification to the user (they will not also be notified that they were approved)

Remember: A user has to have been defined in overall permissions for the Event to view/join etc before they can be picked in the registration area. If a user isn't appearing check they first have been included in the permissions for the Event.



This will fire if a user is removed from the Event via the attendee registration area, which will only appear to those with the 'Manage booking and attendees' permission (or Administrators)

The recipient of the notification is the user that was removed.

If the same user that was removed tries to join the Event following this, the standard approval procedure will be followed if this has been implemented. e.g. they can request to join and be approved or declined.


Created on 17 October 2023 by Hannah Door. Last modified on 8 November 2024

