How to Create Company Links


The video will cover how to set up your company links list, including permissions and adding new links. This is done in a similar way to the applications menu set up. 

Company links are accessible from the top menu bar:



Managing company links

To configure the company link, Menu Builder application admins can follow the steps below.

1. Navigate to Admin > Menu Builder > Company Links.


2. To edit current links, click on the item title and you will be able to edit the title or link. 


3. To update the link permissions, click on the key icon and set permissions for each link individually. 


4. To change the order of links, use the drag & drop feature. Remember to click Reload page to apply the changes.



Adding company links

1. To add a new company link, select Add new link.


2. Enter the following details:

  • Title: Title of item that will be displayed on the menu bar
  • Link: Add the link of where you want this to direct to
  • Open in new tab: Check the checkbox to make the item open in a new tab
  • Visible: Check the checkbox to make the menu item visible on the menu bar
  • Show to all: Check the checkbox to make the menu item visible for all users


3. To add a divider, select Add divider.


4. Place the divider where you wish by using the drag & drop feature


The next guide will be on setting up your Main Menu, to view this click here


Last modified on 1 December 2023 by Hannah Door

