The Main Menu


The video above will cover how to set up your main menu bar, including permissions and managing links.


The admin side & main menu permissions

1. Navigate to Admin > Menu Builder.

2. Assign user(s) permission to manage the Menu Builder from the front-end of the application:

Please note: Ensure only appropriate users have been granted permission as they will be able to add, edit, and delete the menu bar. Users with permissions will also be able to assign other users to manage the menu from the front-end of the application.


Setting up the menu bar

1. From the front-end of the application, users with permission can head to Applications > Menu Builder.

2. To start, users can create a new menu or use the default main_menu



Edit menu properties

1. Select the menu option you wish to manage to be taken to the Edit menu properties tab

2. Edit the following options as needed:

  • Menu key: Used to distinguish the menu in the database
  • Menu name: Name of the menu for users to distinguish, if more than 1 menu exists in the system
  • Depth limit: Number of levels (sub-menu items) the menu can display

Please note: Once the Menu key is created do not change the key as it will remove any related logic.



Add menu items

1. Head to the Edit menu items tab to find a full list of existing menu items

2. To add a new menu item, select + Add menu item:

3. Enter the menu item details:

  • Type: Select the ‘Link’ type
  • Item title: Title of item that will be displayed on the menu bar
  • Item URL: Add the link of where you want this to direct to
  • Item description: Add the description
  • Order index: Choose where the menu item is placed in the menu bar
  • Visible: Check the checkbox to make the menu item visible on the menu bar
  • Open Item: Check the checkbox to make the item open in a new tab
  • CSS class: Add in any CSS for the menu item


1. To add a sub-menu item, click on More options

2. Select + Add sub menu item:

3. Enter the menu item details, same as the above.



Edit menu items

1. To edit a menu item, click on More Options

2. Select any of the following options, as needed to add a sub-menu item, set permissions, delete, change visibility, and view the link:


3. To change the item order, click on the up and down arrows:

Please note: If an item sits in a submenu you will only be able to move it within that submenu.



Edit permissions

1. Head to the Edit permissions items tab

2. Assign users who can edit & manage this menu:

Please note: Permission updates will also be reflected in the admin panel of the Menu Builder application.


Last modified on 1 December 2023 by Hannah Door
Created on 21 June 2023 by Veronica Kim

