Time Zone Precedence


Claromentis is designed to work with multiple timezones and the following list defines the time zone precedence from the user's point of view.


1. User's time zone 

Users in Claromentis can set their own location and timezone in 

My Settings > Location & timezone

The location listed in the drop-down can be further defined in

Admin > System > Date and Time > Edit timezones settings

Alternatively, a user can select "Traveling" and select from available global timezones.


2. Claromentis System Timezone

This is defined in Admin > System > Date and Time

From this page, it is also possible to change how Date & Time formats are displayed throughout the system.


3. PHP date.timezone Configuration

Timezone settings in the PHP configuration. 
This configuration is not accessible by end-users or Claromentis Admin


4. Operating System Time Zone

Typically this would have defaulted to the location of the Server where Claromentis is hosted.
This configuration is not accessible by end-users or Claromentis Admin



Last modified on 27 April 2023 by Hannah Door
Created on 26 April 2023 by Michael Christian

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