Image gallery overview

This guide will provide an overview of the Gallery Image application from both the front-end and admin side of the application.

We will cover the following topics:

The admin side & gallery permissions 

As an application administrator, head to Admin > Image Gallery.

You can assign user groups and roles to have permissions over the following options:

  • Add albums: User(s) can create a new album
  • Manage all albums: User(s) can add, edit & delete all albumns that have been created

Please note: Each album has its own set of permissions. Users with Manage Gallery permission can view, edit or delete all albums by default.



The front-end & album management 

Albums can be added & edited from the front-end of the application.


Adding an album

Navigate to Application > Gallery.


You will be taken directly to the Image Gallery landing page where you will see all existing albums.

With the correct permissions, users will have the ability to create albums using 

Reminder: If you do not see the option to create a new album, please check with your administrator that you have the permission needed to do so.


When adding an album, there will be a series of fields to fill out:

  • Title: A title for the album
  • Description: A brief description of what will be contained within the album
  • Metadata set: The metadata that will be associated with the album
  • Set Permission: Permissions options for the album with varying levels of management


Album permissions 

  • View images: User(s) can view the album & images
  • Add images: User(s) can add images to the album
  • Edit images properties: User(s) can edit the properties of each image in album. Properties include Album cover image, Title, & Keywords.
  • Delete images: User(s) can delete images in album
  • Edit album: User(s) can edit images & album.
  • Delete album: User(s) can delete images & album


Editing an album

Users with permission can edit each album using the following options.

Selected images (or entire album) can also be downloaded & deleted as needed.



Adding images to album

Head to the album you wish to add images. Use the Upload Image option to add images to the album.


You can fill in the image details:

  • Upload Image: Select the image(s) to upload from your local device.
  • Title: Set a tite for the uploaded images. If you leave title empty or upload multiple files or an archive, the image(s) will be saved with the orginal names
  • Keywords: Enter multiple keywords separate them by comma (,). Keywords will be displayed under each image in album.

Please note: Any large files can cause performance issues across the site so we strongly advise compressing the file size to a reasonable size before attempting to upload images.



Gallery metadata

Metadata in Image gallery can be configured and managed by Metadata application administrators.

Metadata can be used to provide more information about the gallery album & images.

For more information, check out the Image Gallery section of our Metadata guide.



Gallery component

Gallery albums can also be accessed from a Page using the Gallery List component.

The component allows you to display albums for users to access & view.


The component settings are as follows:


Last modified on 30 November 2023 by Hannah Door
Created on 9 November 2022 by Veronica Kim

