Metadata overview


Access the Metadata application by heading to Applications > Admin > Metadata.

Metadata can be used to provide additional information and/or supporting information about content that exists on your intranet. You can manage and create new metadata according to the needs of the intranet as an application administrator.

Metadata for the following applications will be covered in this guide:

For more information on Documents metadata, head to our article here.

Managing metadata sets

Under Misc metadata, you can select any of the available applications to view, edit, and manage existing metadata.


A new metadata set can also be added by selecting 


By doing so, 'Metadata set type' for other applications including the Knowledge Base & Courses application can be created and named as desired.



Creating metadata

When accessing a metadata set, the metadata field(s) will be displayed for each application. 

New metadata for each application can be created by using 


The following information can be configured.

  1. Title: The title of the metadata field
  2. Key: The internal name of the metadata field used in searching and user import. The Key should contain only letters, numbers and underscores
  3. Type: The field type used for the metadata field
  4. Show as: The appearance of the field e.g. a text box
  5. Default value: Information that can autofill the field without interaction from the user
  6. Optional settings: Additional settings that can be configured if appropriate for the metadata


Optional settings

  • Editable by users: Users will be able to view & edit the information entered in the metadata field.
  • Repeatable: The option to add an extra field of the same configuration will be available. Up to 5 maximum can be added for most field types.
  • Can be inherited from a parent: The option for sub-metadata items to inherit parent metadata items. This option is mostly intended for the Document application.
  • Visible: The metadata field will appear in the areas chosen if the field has information entered.
  • Visible even if no value: The metadata field will appear in the areas chosen even if the field has no information entered.
  • Mandatory: The metadata field will be required to have information entered and will be marked by a red asterisk.


Metadata can be edited by selecting the 'pencil' icon or deleted by selecting the 'detach' icon.

The order of the metadata can also be changed by using the drag & drop feature, if applicable.

Please note: Any default metadata will not appear here as it is hardcoded and cannot be changed.


Misc metadata

Each application has different metadata to select from.


Image Gallery metadata

Image Gallery metadata is metadata attached to the images & albums in the Gallery application.


Metadata can be found by heading to the Gallery album properties. You can select 'Metadata Options' to add the metadata field you wish to display in the album images.

Please note: A maximum of three metadata fields can be selected to display per album.


Metadata for each image will be displayed when hovering over the image upon saving any changes.



News metadata

News metadata is metadata attached to news articles in the News application.


Metadata can be found by heading to the article properties in the 'Metadata' tab.


Metadata for each news article will be displayed below the article text upon saving any changes.



Users metadata

Users metadata is metadata attached to user profiles in the People application.


Metadata can also be found by heading to the Admin > People > Configure user profile fields.


This area will show you a list of all available User metadata fields and newly created fields.

Reminder: Any default metadata will not appear in the Metadata application as it is hardcoded and cannot be changed. Instead, default metadata can be found via the People application.

For more information on the Configure user profile fields area, head to our guide here.



Idea Spaces metadata

Idea Spaces metadata is metadata attached to discussion topics in the Discuss application.


Metadata can be found by heading to the Discuss topic properties.


Metadata for each Discuss topic will be displayed in the 'More Details' area upon saving any changes.



Training Record metadata

Training Record metadata is metadata attached to user training records in the Learning application.


Metadata can be found by heading to Learning > Training Record.


Training metadata can also be found by heading to Learning > Events. Marking an event as a Training Event will allow you to use the available metadata.


Metadata for each training record will be displayed upon saving any changes.



Projects metadata

Projects metadata is metadata attached to projects in the Projects application.


Metadata can be found by heading to the Project properties in the 'Details' tab.


Metadata for each project will be displayed in the ‘Project Information’ section upon saving any changes.


Last modified on 1 December 2023 by Hannah Door
Created on 2 May 2022 by Veronica Kim


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