Submitting holiday request on behalf of user

A Holiday Manager has the ability to submit holiday request on behalf of another user within the Holiday group.

A substitute manager also can submit a holiday request on a user’s behalf.

For more information on Holiday groups & Manager permissions, check out our guide here.


Submit holiday request as Manager

Follow the 3 steps below.


1. Navigate to Holiday Planner 

Head to Application > Holiday Planner.


2. Navigate to the 'Manager' area

As a Holiday Manager, you will have access to the Manager section of the Holiday planner.


3. Submit holiday request

Use the  option to submit a holiday request.

With this feature, you can select a user from your Holiday Group and submit a holiday request on their behalf.


To submit the request, fill-out the details of the holiday request.

  • User: Select the user the holiday request is for
  • Start date: Select the start day of your holiday request
  • End date: Select the end day of your holiday request
  • Leave Type: Select the leave type (i.e. Holiday, Training Day, Sickness) 
  • Day part: Select the day type (Full day or Half day)
  • Comment: Enter the details of the holiday request as required



Approving holiday request

When a Holiday Manager (or substitute manager) requests a holiday on behalf of another user, the request will be automatically approved. In other words, the request will not have to go through the approval process.

The approved holiday can be viewed from the Manager Diagram section from the front-end of the application.


Approved holiday requests can be cancelled (deleted) from the user's holiday request section.

Please note: Approved holidays cannot be modified. Instead, the approved holiday can be deleted and re-submitted, if required.



Holiday notifications

A notification will be generated to user whose request has been submitted for.

The user will recieve a notification confirming the holiday request which will include the request details.

Please note: The manager who has submitted the request will not receive a separate notification regarding the approved request.


Notifications will be generated based on the user's notification preferences.

For more information on notification settings, please refer to our guide here.


Last modified on 30 November 2023 by Hannah Door

