Infocapture Components


In this guide, we will give you an overview of all the available InfoCapture components that can be added to your pages.

Each component serves a different purpose and will provide different information according to the component settings.

Please note: All InfoCapture components will give a unique view based on user permissions. Only projects users have permission to view will appear in components.


More information on the InfoCapture application can be found here

Dashboard component

The Dashboard component will display charts and graphs based on available Primary data (i.e. ticket status) of a single InfoCapture form. The main function is to present data involving the current number of tickets in each status.


The component can be configured via the component settings.

  1. Title: The title that will appear at the top of the Dashboard component
  2. Project: The InfoCapture project that the component will pull information from
  3. Chart type: The type of graph that will be displayed in the component
  4. Show Information: Additional information that can be included in the component
  5. Primary data: The single field within the form that can be chosen to be displayed in the component as the primary data shown in the graph.
  6. Only show: The selected field(s) attached to the 'Primary data' can be chosen to be displayed in the component. By default, the component will display all project values
  7. Secondary data: Optional field to include only a subset of the data you wish to include in the graph.
  8. Only from: The selected field(s) attached to the 'Secondary data' that can be chosen to be included as the data subset.
    For example: You may want to show the graph by 'Status' but only from Secondary data 'Team A' which is the data subset.


Form List component

The Form List component will display multiple InfoCapture forms within a single component. The purpose is to provide an overview of active projects for users to access directly via the page where the component exists.


The component can be configured via the component settings.

  1. Title: The title that will appear at the top of the Form List component
  2. Show forms: The filtering option that can be chosen to be displayed in the component
  3. Forms: The selected list of InfoCapture projects that will be displayed in the component. By default, the component will display all active projects
  4. Show tools: Additional search tools that can be included in the component
  5. Style: The type of viewing style in the project will be displayed in the component
  6. Limit to: The maximum number of projects that will be listed


Handler component

The Handler component will track and display the top ticket handlers of a single InfoCapture form. The main function is to present data involving the top ticket handler(s) and the current number of tickets that are assigned to them.


The component can be configured via the component settings.

  1. Project: The InfoCapture project that the component will pull information from
  2. Chart type: The type of graph that will be displayed in the component
  3. Show: Additional details that can be included in the component. By default, the component will display all parts including the title, description, chart, and ticket handler
  4. Limit to: The maximum number of ticket handlers that will be listed
  5. Status type: The type of ticket status within the form that can be chosen to be displayed in the component
  6. Status: The selected ticket status which will be displayed in the component. By default, the component will display ticket handlers from all statuses.


Open Items component

The Open Items component will display a list of tickets of a single InfoCapture form pending an action. The main function is to provide an overview of active tickets for those who interact with the project to work from.

Please note: In order for the Open Items component to populate information, Status groups need to be created per project. Doing so allows each group to be pulled through to the component and will give a unique view based on user permissions.

For more information on how to set up Open Items, please refer to our guide here.


The component can be configured via the component settings once the status groups have been set up.

  1. Title: The title that will appear at the top of the Open Items component
  2. Project: The InfoCapture project the component will pull information from. By default, the component will display all active projects
  3. Columns: The ticket columns(s) within the form that can be chosen to be displayed in the component
  4. Limit to: The maximum number of projects that will be listed
  5. Type: The viewing type that can be chosen to be displayed in the component


SLA component

The SLA component will track and display the number of tickets of a single InfoCapture form based on the SLA. The main function is to present data involving the current number of tickets in each SLA.

Please note: In order for the SLA component to populate information, SLA rules will need to be created per project. Doing so allows each SLA status to be pulled through to the component.

For more information on how to set up SLA rules, please refer to our guide here.


The component can be configured via the component settings once the SLA rules have been set up.

  1. Form: The InfoCapture project the component will pull information from
  2. Traffic light: The single SLA status within the form that can be chosen to be displayed in the component
  3. Text to show: The text (description) that will be displayed in the component
  4. Icon: The glyphicon that will appear in the component


Tickets List component

The Ticket List component will display all tickets of a single InfoCapture form. The purpose is to provide an overview of tickets for users to access directly via the page where the component exists.


The component can be configured via the component settings.

  1. Title: The title that will appear at the top of the Tickets List component
  2. Project: The InfoCapture project the component will pull information from
  3. Show Information: Additional information that can be included in the component
  4. Columns: The ticket columns(s) within the form that can be chosen to be displayed in the component
  5. Show maximum: The maximum number of tickets that will be listed
  6. Filter by: The single field within the form that can be chosen to be displayed in the component
  7. Using: The selected field(s) attached to the 'Filter by' data that can be chosen to be displayed in the component. By default, the component will display all project values


Tickets Submitted component

The Tickets Submitted component will display charts and graphs based on the number of submitted tickets. The main function is to present data involving the number of submitted tickets over the timeframe of a year, month, or week.


The component can be configured via the component settings.

  1. Title: The title that will appear at the top of the Tickets Submitted component
  2. Project: The InfoCapture project the component will pull information from. By default, the component will display all active projects
  3. Chart type: The type of graph that will be displayed in the component
  4. Type: The timeframe option the tickets will be displayed in the component
  5. Year/Month/Week: The selected timeframe attached to the 'Type' that can be chosen to be displayed in the component. A custom timeframe is also available by Year, Month, & Week.


Last modified on 1 December 2023 by Hannah Door
Created on 20 April 2022 by Veronica Kim

