Knowledge Base Questions


Knowledge Base can be used for questions and sharing information in a similar way to the articles.

Topics covered:


Questions are also separated by category which helps future users and works as an FAQ section if needed.

Questions can be set up so any other users can answer them or only category-specific users can answer if only particular users have knowledge on a subject. 

Toggle Questions 

Questions can be enabled or disabled across categories.

This can be changed at any time from the admin side of the application by an application administrator of Knowledge Base.



Users will require the 'Ask a Question' permission to see be able to do so for that category.

If a user requires the ability to ask questions in every category this will need to be set in each.

In this way, differing permissions across your users and categories can be achieved.


There is also an 'Edit all Questions' permission which should be given to administrators or responsible users, not all users.

Further to this, category experts can be defined and there is an option to only allow these users to answer questions in that category, however, this is optional.

If this option is not chosen, any user with 'View' rights to this category will be able to answer submitted Questions.


Asking a question

To ask a question in a Category they have permissions for a user can click on the Questions icon from the landing page of Knowledge Base and will see the screen below.

Please note: Only categories the user has permission to ask a question in will appear for selection.

The user can give their question a title (which is required for submission) and there is an instance of the CK Editor below this to allow them to give additional information about their question if this is appropriate.


Submitted Questions will appear on the landing page of Knowledge Vase for users with view rights to see and click on to answer them or see their answers.


Questions area per category

Users with at least view rights can use the tab navigation on the left of Knowledge Base to filter to only one categories content.

From here, Questions specific to that category will be listed and users have the ability to ask a question. This can be done either via the button on the top right of the application or the category-specific button offered - which will auto-populate their new question with the appropriate category.


Responding to a Question

Clicking onto a Question from any of these areas will expand it and offer the user the ability to respond in the text box provided.


Users have a lot of options for interaction here, they can:

  • Like the Question
  • Follow the Question (means they will be notified of responses in it going forward)
  • Share the question
  • Edit the question (if they have the permission to do so)
  • Respond by typing a comment
  • Attach a file, link, or document to their response
  • Like or respond to other users' responses


In situations where category experts only can answer questions, the below will appear to any other user with view rights for that category.



Notifications that will be triggered and generated for Questions are shown below:

These can be edited in the Localisation area, which is covered here.

The type of notification received will depend on each user's individual preferences.


If a category is set to allow category experts to answer questions posted in it, then they will be the only ones notified.

Whereas when this setting is disabled category experts and anyone subscribed to the category (or sub-category) should be notified.

(If there is sub-category B with parent A, users subscribed to B would receive a notification for new questions in B only, whereas someone subscribed to A would receive them for A and B)



Application administrators of Knowledge Base and users with edit rights for questions will be able to access the 'Manage Question' area.


From the Question management area, submitted Questions can be searched for, edited, or deleted as needed.

Application administrators will be able to access the article management and category tabs, users with edit rights will not.

The option to disable Questions will also only appear to administrators of the application and not those with only edit Question rights.

The screenshot above is from a user with edit rights only perspective.


A user with edit rights can carry out changes, as well as archive a Question by editing it and selecting the option given at the bottom of the page.

Archived questions do not appear on the front end but remain visible to administrators and users with edit rights from the management area.



Created on 1 February 2022 by Hannah Door. Last modified on 30 November 2023

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