Highlighting InfoCapture ticket colours by status, assignee or field value


You can assign a colour to ticket status by navigating to:

Admin > InfoCapture > {YourProjectName} > Statuses


The status name will be highlighted according to the colour you have set when viewing a ticket list in InfoCapture


Highlighting the entire row

There is an option which allows the entire row to be highlighted (instead of just the label as above)

Admin > InfoCapture > General Settings

Please note: Changing this setting will affect the colour coding of all of the tickets list and InfoCapture components.


Changing ticket colour based on who it is assigned

If you wish to highlight a ticket when it is currently assigned to a user in addition to the status, it is possible to change the ticket colour by adding conditions.


For example





Changing ticket colour based on the value in the form

It is also possible to change ticket colour based on the value you have set in the form by adding 


For example:

Highlight tickets in "black" when Idea Category = Crazy


Check the field properties to find out the Symbolic Name and its value.


Add new conditions by using the symbolic name and value and specify the colour.


Please note: When entering the field value, you may need to include 'v0' depending on how your values are entered - ensure whatever formatting is used in the field itself is also used in the colour condition.




Last modified on 30 November 2023 by Hannah Door
Created on 20 August 2021 by Michael Christian

