Documents: Deleting or restoring files and Folders


We will cover how documents can be deleted and recovered using the trash can feature in the Documents application.

This can be done from both the front end and the back end of the system. 

Deleting from the front-end

To delete a document from the front end, simply go to Application > Documents. From here, check the document you wish to delete and click on the 'Delete' icon.


You will be asked to confirm the deletion.


When deleting an article, this will not be removed completely - instead will automatically be moved to the 'Trash can' where you can view all your previously deleted articles.

Reminder: Any deleted items that have been in the trash can for more than 30 days will be automatically deleted.


During this time, you can either delete the document permanently from your system.


Or you can restore the deleted document to its original location.



Deleting from the admin side

To delete a document from the back end, go to Admin > Documents, and select 'Manage documents list'.


Locate the document in the document structure. Check the document you wish to delete and click on the 'Delete' icon.

You will be asked to confirm the deletion.


Just like the front end, deleting a document will not remove it completely but will move it to the 'Trash can' where you can view all documents that were deleted from the back end.

Reminder: Items in the trash can for more than 30 days will be automatically deleted.


Again, you can either delete the document permanently from your system or restore the document to its original location.


Last modified on 30 November 2023 by Hannah Door
Created on 1 February 2021 by Veronica Kim

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