Implementing Google Analytics


Using a combination of two core Claromentis applications, Analytics and Audit Logging, Administrators can monitor user activity and understand global trends.

The Analytics application enables organizations to understand, visualize and interpret data associated with intranet usage.

The Audit Logging application allows Administrators to track individual user activity and comes in useful when troubleshooting problems.

For more information, please refer to the Tracking User Activity Guide.

Google Universal Analytics will stop processing data on July 1st 2023 and this article has been updated for Google Analytics 4 Properties. More info.


Google Analytics Tracking Code

Firstly, please ensure this option is viable by reviewing the information here. If the requirements detailed in the article are satisfied then you may proceed in implementing Google Analytics. You will need to start by creating a Google Analytics account for the Intranet, follow the instruction and get a copy of the tracking code.


Step 1: Sign up to Google Analytics.

Sign in to Google Analytics and followed Setup Assistance to finish configuring your GA4 Property.

If you are setting it up for the first time, you may need to set up Google Tag Managers, follow these steps.

Set Up Analytics for the Website

Step 2: Add Google Tags directly on Claromentis

Click Admin

At the top of the Property column, select your property.

In the Property Column, click Data Streams > Web

Click data stream for your website.


Under Google tag, click View tag instructions.

On the Installation instructions page, select Install manually:
On the screen, you’ll see the JavaScript snippet for your account's Google tag. Your Google tag is the entire section of code that appears, beginning with:

<!-- Google tag (gtag.js) -->

and ending with


Copy the code.


Step 2: Paste the code to Claromentis

Navigate to Admin > System > Scripts

Paste the code inside the <head> tag


Step 3: Click Save

Done! After a few days check analytics in your Google Analytics account.



LEGACY SYSTEM: Follow these steps for Claromentis 8.0 - 8.6

1. Navigate to the Admin > Design Panel >  Edit master design 


2. Click on Advanced tab


3. Paste Google Analytics tracking code in "Custom Code"

4. Click Submit

5. Done! after a few days check analytics in your Google Analytics account.



Claromentis version 8.0 or older

For older version of Claromentis changes to the custom VI (visual interface) are required.

We strongly advise that you allow us to complete the implementation, as changes to the custom VI (visual interface) are required. However, you will find instructions below for completing this yourself, assuming you have access to the server on which the Intranet is hosted.

Copy and paste the tracking code between <head> and </head> in the following file for all custom VIs:

Last modified on 30 November 2023 by Hannah Door
Created on 22 August 2013 by Michael Christian

