Edit The Application Menu


This user guide is for anyone on Claromentis 8.2+ 


In Claromentis, the Application menu defines the main areas/content users can access in the intranet. You can configure the Applications menus for quick access to applications and choose which application will be visible to users via the Menu Builder.

Here will cover how to set up your Applications menu, including permissions and how to create new applications.

The information below is outlined in the video.

All configuration options can be found via Admin > Menu Builder > Application.



From the list of current applications, you can assign permissions to specific applications by clicking on the key icon next to the relevant application.


From here, you will see the following permission options that can be set for individual users and/or Roles and Groups. Any users added can view and access the application from the front-end.



Toggle visibility

If you would like to hide the application buttons entirely for all users, you can toggle the visibility by clicking on the eye symbol next to the relevant application.


Any application with the symbol will be visible, whereas the symbol will hide the application in the Applications menu.



Placement & order of display

You can change the order of the application button displayed in the Applications menu by using our click & drop feature:


When looking at the Application menu, you will see the changes applied:



Application dividers

Dividers can be added to the Application menu by clicking on the  option:


Use our click & drop feature to place it where you would like to or select the trashcan icon to delete it. When looking at the Application menu, you will see the changes applied:



Additional custom links

You can add in your own custom application links by click on the  option:


You will be required to fill in the following information:

  • Title: Enter the name of the application.
  • Link: Add the new URL.
  • CSS Class: Select the CSS class which will help you to configure icons (find the reference guide for these in Admin > System > Labs > Glyphicons finder)
  • Checkboxes (Optional): Choose whether you would like the application to (1) Open in a new tab, (2) Visible in the Applications menu, (3) Visible to all users.

More information on this can be found here.


Select to see your new application at the bottom of the application list. You can adjust permissions and change the order of display as needed:


To find out how to add Company links, check out our guide here.


Last modified on 26 February 2024 by Veronica Kim

