Creating a post in a Blog channel Archived

The Blog application is a versatile tool that will allow users to communicate and share the most-to-date news, opinions, and links to external content with their viewer base.

Once a blog channel has been set up, users can create and assign blog posts to the channel.

For more information, check out our guide on Creating a Blog channel.

Creating a post

1. Navigate to Applications > Blog.

You will see all existing blog posts along with a search function, a 'Date' archive, and any active tags that are being used. 


2. To add a blog post, click + Add a post.

Reminder: If you can't see this button, ask your system administrator who can set you up with permissions


3. Enter the following article details:

  • Channel: You can select the channel this post will be stored in.
  • Title: The main title that will appear in your post.
  • Tag: You can add tags to enable search via the tag cloud.
  • Picture: You can add an image for your blog post.
  • Summary: A short body of text that will be seen in the blog component or the preview of your post.
  • Content: There are three options of content to choose from
    • Text - This will allow you to write a more in-depth entry.
    • Link - This will allow you to place an URL that will link to articles on other websites.
    • None - This will allow you to just present the summary if there is no need for more information or need to link to another site.
  • Comments: You can choose to enable or disable other users from commenting on your post.


Before creating your new blog post, you can also navigate to Additional options.

You can set specific dates in the future for the article to be published and deleted, as needed.

4. Once these details have been completed you can publish your post by selecting Create a new blog post.

If you are not ready to publish the blog, select Save as draft instead.

Reminder: Depending on permissions posts may need to be approved or published by an admin.



Viewing a post

Head back to the Blogs landing page to view your post.


You will be able to view all of its content. This includes any comments (if enabled), as well as the option to subscribe to the blog to receive updates when new content is published.


Created on 29 April 2014 by Hannah Door. Last modified on 18 April 2024

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