5 results found for tag 'reports'

Custom Reports

Introduction In the Reports application, you can create your own custom reports. This article will provide an overview of how you can build and save a custom report for the following applications - ...

0 comments • Last modified on 6 December 2023 in Reports

Course and Module Activity Reports

Overview In this article, you will be given an overview of the standard reports found in the Courses (e-learning) application. There are two different types of pre-made reports: Course activity repo...

0 comments • Last modified on 1 December 2023 in Learning & Courses

Infocapture report building

Creating a report - Start to finish Please ensure your permissions settings are correct, this is covered here. Firstly you will need to identify the objective of the report, in this example, we will...

4 comments1 person liked this • Last modified on 28 June 2023 in Advanced Guides

Infocapture report permissions

Included in this article: Report permissions (part 1) Report permissions (part 2) 1- Report permissions (part 1) As standard, all users will have the reports icon in the front end of InfoCapture: In...

0 comments • Last modified on 20 June 2024 in Advanced Guides

Reports available within Claromentis

Most popular reports Audit logs: Administrators can export a host of information across all applications to gain insight into engagement with the platform as well as investigate issues e.g. user log...

0 comments1 person liked this • Last modified on 6 December 2023 in Onboarding