8 results found for tag 'projects'
2 comments • Last modified on 15 March 2018 in Projects
Projects progress bar v2.1+
The progress bar is a useful feature that can be used to display the current progress of project. Every time a task has been completed and ticked ✓, the progress bar will update team members on how ...
3 comments • Created on 4 October 2017 in Projects
Projects v2.1+
Front End Options remain the same however they have changed position in the layout slightly from previous versions. On the landing page of the Projects application, you have the options to view: (1)...
Custom Reports
Introduction In the Reports application, you can create your own custom reports. This article will provide an overview of how you can build and save a custom report for the following applications - ...
Setting up a Project
Article related to Projects version 2.0+ This article will cover the new features in Project 2.0 showcasing how to set up your project from the front-end, including how to define your team members a...
Roles & Rights in Projects
Projects version 2.0+ has slight changes to how rights and roles work from previous versions, ensuring more granular control over the permissions certain roles have. The permissions table allows dif...
Projects: Admin overview
Introduction In this article, you will be given an overview of the admin area of the Projects application. As an admin, this is a great place to start to ensure that you and the team have appropriat...