7 results found for tag 'document'

Documents: Bulk Export

Follow this guide if you wish to bulk export documents and folders en masse from the Intranet. Self-hosted sites can run large exports as well as smaller ZIP downloads in system, however, sites host...

0 comments • Last modified on 30 November 2023 in Documents

Document Downloads

How this works In the Documents application, if a user has been permitted to view a file, they also have permission to download it. The Download document button will appear against all documents tha...

0 comments • Last modified on 16 February 2024 in Applications 🎓

Documents: Assigning permissions on the front end

This guide shows how to update permissions on Folders and Documents from the front end. For more information on the permissions themselves and what each means, see our guide here -------------------...

0 comments • Last modified on 30 November 2023 in Documents

Embed a PDF on a page or in an article

PDFs can be embedded into Pages, News, or Knowledge Base articles. Existing PDFs will need to be uploaded in the Documents application first as this process requires the unique document ID given to ...

2 comments2 people liked this • Last modified on 30 November 2023 in Documents

Documents: Deleting or restoring files and Folders

Introduction We will cover how documents can be deleted and recovered using the trash can feature in the Documents application. This can be done from both the front end and the back end of the syste...

0 comments • Last modified on 30 November 2023 in Documents

Document Metadata

Introduction Metadata allows the inclusion of additional fields within specific Claromentis applications, such as Documents and News. Fields allow users to submit further information, which is more ...

0 comments • Last modified on 30 November 2023 in Documents

Documents: Digital Marker

What is a Digital Marker? Digital Marker allows you to place a 'marker' or an indicator for files or physical files outside Claromentis. There are 2 known use cases: 1. Online File / Asset...

0 comments • Last modified on 30 November 2023 in Documents